Trained as an architect, Philippe Bompas has spent most of his carrier in engineering offices of international reputation specialized in light weight structure, complexe geometry, building enveloped technology.
ASI (Advanced structures incorporated)
Based in Los Angeles, ASI operated as a design build contractor, aiming to build the most innovating project in the US, in specialty structures and building envelop. “Implementing Innovation » ASI was a melting pot, bringing together the competence of designers, architects and engineers for structure, materials or aerospace. Place of discovery, innovation, but also the learning of the rigor of the production of drawings, geometry and fabrication plan
RFR sas
Under the impulse of Peter Rice, RFR sas was one these engineering practice where the boundary between architecture and engineering don’t stand, where “multidisciplinarity” is not just a marketing speech, an office where research and innovation is at the roots of its activity. RFR has developed a spirit for architecture and engineering which each alumni wish to keep alive.

Octobre 2014: E.Sandre-Chardonnal, P.Bompas, Predicting Transparency Proceedings of engineered transparency – Glasstech 2014
Septembre 2014:M.Huard, M.Eigensatz, P.Bompas, Planar Paneliza on with Extreme Repetition Advances In Architectural Geometry 2014
Octobre 2013 : S. Aubry, P. Bompas, B. Vaudeville , D. Corvez , T. Lagrange, P. Mazzacane, and A. Brizou, A UHPFRC Cladding challenge-The Fondation Louis Vuitton pour la Crea on, RILEM-fi bAFGC Int. Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete,UHPFRC 2013, page 37, Proceedings
Octobre 2013 : C. Jiang, J. Wang, P. Bompas, H. Pottmann, and J. Wallner. Freeform shading and lighti ng systems from planar quads. In C. Gengnagel, A. Kilian, J. Nembrini, and F. Scheurer, editors, Rethinking Prototyping – Proc. Design Modelling Symposium Berlin 2013, pages 335-346. 2013
Juin 2013 : M.Pauly, M. Eigensatz, P.Bompas, F. Rist, R. Krenmuller, Controlling Caustics, Glass Processing days Tempere Finland 2013, page 213, Proceedings
Janvier 2013: J. Wang, C. Jiang, P. Bompas, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann. Discrete line congruences for shading and ligh ng. Computer Graphics Forum 32/5 (2013), pages 53-62, Proc. Symposium Geometry Processing.
Septembre – Novembre 2012: IAPP: ARC – Architectural Freeform Structures from Single Curved Panels, Work package 5 Task 10: Possible Material Applica on, Work package 7: Applications Beyond Architecture
Septembre 2012: T. Kiser, M. Eigensatz, M. M. Nguyen, P. Bompas , M. Pauly , Architectural Caustics —Controlling Light with Geometry, Advances In Architectural Geometry 2012 Springer WienNew York , page77, Proceedings AAG 2012
Septembre 2012:A. Schiffner, N. Leduc, P. Bompas, N. Baldassini, M. Eigensatz, Architectural Geometry from research to practice: The Eiffel Tower Pavillons, Advances In Architectural
Geometry 2012 Springer WienNew York , page 213, Proceedings AAG 2012